How To Save Money While Traveling

save money while traveling

For adventurers who are as savings-savvy as they are travel-inclined, here are a few helpful tips to save money while traveling to go the extra mile!

How to save money while travelling

You would be hard-pressed to make a case against the benefits of travel. English explorer and prolific translator Sir Richard Burton was onto something way back in the 19th century when he said, “The gladdest moment in human life, me thinks, is a departure into unknown lands. That’s all well and good as long as you have enough cash to fuel your expeditions – however, the best part about exploring our planet is that it doesn’t have to be expensive to be impactful. 

How To Save Money While Traveling

1. Pace Yourself

Yes, it’s tempting to cruise through 20 different cities at a minimum once you set foot in Europe. Although domestic flights and train tickets can be relatively inexpensive if you catch them on a good day, there’s nothing cheaper than spending a little more time getting to know each city instead of reaching into your pocket to get to the next one.

 You’ve just arrived in a beautiful new place – why not give it a little extra love and get to know it even better?

2. Use and Abuse Your Inbox

These days, everyone and their mother has a subscriber newsletter. Airlines, hotels, and aggregator websites are constantly sending out information about flash promotions, deals, and sales on everything from hotels to flights and rental cars.

Start with Scott’s Cheap Flights, an email alert service that delivers door-buster airfare deals straight to your inbox.

3. Get Rewarded

There is no end to the number of rewards and points programs related to travel. 

For example, If you book your lodging through, you can collect stamps on a digital loyalty card and receive a free night after booking 10 via the site. Members also have access to discounted “secret prices.”

Many credit cards also offer points that can be used towards flights and more – here are some of the best cards around for this purpose. Air Miles and Aeroplan points are also popular choices.

4. Go When It’s Free

If your schedule allows it, plan to visit museums, historic sites, gardens, and more on days that they offer free admission. Whether it’s once a week or once a month, many popular tourist sites will schedule select times that you can visit either for free or at a very discounted rate.

For example, admission to the Louvre is free on the first Sunday of every month, from October 1 to March 31. Considering this entry fee along is well over €20, this might be the best way to save money while traveling!

5. Cook ’em If You Got ’em

If you choose to rent a home or apartment instead of staying in a hotel, take advantage of the kitchen at your disposal and dodge those restaurant prices. You can still sample local cuisine in the comfort of your own home by heading to the nearest grocery store!

If you prefer hotel living, be on the hunt for one that includes breakfast. Small changes like this go. long way while trying to save money while traveling.

6. Park Like A Pro

Most of us start spending on travel before the airplane leaves the ground. The culprit: transport to the airport. Taking a taxi is downright expensive, and relying on public transit while lugging suitcases is the stuff of nightmares.

With, you can access the best possible prices for your airport parking spot for an easy and affordable solution. You can even book and pre-pay right there on the website. Happy travels!